When and where appropriate, motion pictures can supplement still images by providing viewers with a more sensory engaging experience (if, of course, viewers are willing to invest the time).
Below is a wide range of productions – from complex (crew of 15) to simple. A brief project description is found below each video clip.
- Cancer Research UK's Race for Life, a national 5k fundraising event – My roles: concept, direction, production leader (of 15 crew), stakeholder management
- Tearfund in Bolivia – My roles (as commissioning client): production company recruitment, concept and production liaison, stakeholder management
- Arizona Republic Centennial – My roles: art direction, production, post-production
- Carbon Consequences in Honduras – My roles: concept, direction, post-production
The last four videos are primarily eye candy, with the purpose being to grab the viewer's attention in an effort to prompt immediate interest and engagement (i.e. to sign up, mark one's calendar, etc):
- Small Guerilla (compilation of vignettes) – My roles: concept, direction, production, camera, post-production
- Dancer Promo – My roles: all
- 30th Birthday Invitation – My roles: all
- Rapper/Hip-Hop Promo – My roles: all
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See also five (5) examples of motion-stills, created by linking several still images into a looping file (also called an "animated GIF"), in the Obscure & Evanescent portfolio.